Colleen Beck and Margaret Rice have been their running online brands since 2007! Learn from their years of experience in creating digital content for their audiences.
Colleen Beck, OTR/L has been an Occupational Therapist since 2000. As the creator and author of The OT Toolbox, LLC, she has written thousands of blog posts on occupational therapy, created thousands of accessible resources and tools for therapy professionals, and strive to advocate for the profession as well as those we serve (children, families, educators) on The OT Toolbox social media channels.
Margaret Rice, PT has been a Physical Therapist since 1994 and a digital content creator since 2007. She is the owner of several websites including Your Therapy Source, Inc. She too has written thousands of blogposts and created hundreds of resources to help students succeed in school.
They have combined their passion for digital content creation and their professional experience to help you start earning passive income today by selling what you know!